- Barclay’s Septo Green Activator and Conditioner – 340gr
- Septo Green is guaranteed to generate bacterial action in septic tanks, holding tanks, cess pools, grease traps and drains.
- Septo Green helps break down much of the solid matter to liquids, dissolves toilet tissue and soaps, eliminates odour.
- Septo Green is completely biodegradable so it is non-polluting to the environment.
- Directions for Septic Systems –
- For first application empty 2 scoops into sink or toilet and flush, continue dosage with 1 scoop down drain every ten to twelve days or for larger tanks in excess of 3600 litres may require up to twice this amount.
- Septo Green effectively kills odours, reactivates sluggish systems and helps keep drains and tile beds running free.
- Directions for Holding Tanks (boats, buses, trailers, RV’s, etc) –
- If chemical products have been in use, flush tank thoroughly with water.
- Add water (up to 4 litres in large tanks)
- Flush 1 scoop of Septo Green into tank.
- Repeat after each pump out.
- Add 1 scoop weekly if tank is not emptied.
- Ontario Made Product